My Thoughts and Know-how

TAGS; } $contents = parse_ini_file('entries.ini', true); foreach ($contents as $header => $data) { if(isset($_GET['tag']) && strpos($data['tags'], $_GET['tag']) === false) continue; $text_file = isset($data['file'])?file_get_contents("{$data['file']}.htm"):""; // Display the entry header and body $view_link = "show.php?entry=$header"; echo << ENTRY; // Add links for next page, tags and comments if(file_exists("$data[file]-page2.htm")) { echo << ENTRY; } echo << ENTRY; } // End of entry for loop ?>
Displaying entries tagged with '$_GET[tag]'. Show all



$data[text] $text_file
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ENTRY; $token = strtok($data['tags'], " ,"); while ($token) { echo "$token "; $token = strtok(" ,"); } echo << Comment
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