Welcome! Here lies the home page of...

Craig Duttweiler

Happy, happy,
joy, joy...

Here lies my own little niche on the 'net. Yee hah. I hope you'll find at least one or two things on my pages that will make you marginally glad you wasted some time here, or at least less angry at me for relieving you of your temporal resources. (I own nothing. I can't replace them. Don't bother suing.)

About me...

Interests and other things I think are cool...

A few pictures...

And some links to other people's pages...

Finally, here's a completely pointless but vaguely nifty little maze applet I wrote for a class I took at Stanford. You could make up a point, like "see how small an area you can get the blue blobs confined in." That would doubtlessly yield hours of tortuously captivating fun.

Don't panic. Anything you don't like about these pages now will probably be different tomorrow. OK, well... maybe not.

Craig Duttweiler
Finger me. (Oooh! Just a little higher!)